Dr.William Moulton Marston was a psychologist and an anthropologer who afte rstudying thousands of human behaviors and their personalities,developed the concept of DISC profile.After many years of research he submitted thesis in late 1920’s which divides the human personalities into 4 categories i.e.D for Dominant,I for Influential,S for Steady and C for Compliant (or DISC for short).DISC profile has been in use for many years for multiple purposes like sales,marketing,management,HR,alliances etc.Over the years,different versions of the same theory have been developed including BEST(Bold-Expressive-Â SympatheticTechnical).Later on another scientist,Dr.Gary Couture added bird profiling to the same theory-Eagle,Peacock,Dove and Owl and it became very popular worldwide.
Eagles are dominant having an eye on targets and opportunities,they are task-oriented.Such individuals are stimulated by challenges and are known to be decisive,direct,blunt and often even often stubborn.Eagles are natural achievers.They are go-getters and opportunists and could sometimes also be insensitive to others’ needs.One of the biggest risks with these people is that they may lose sight of the big picture.
Peacocks are individuals who love to talk; they enjoy being the center of attention, are often passionate and enthusiastic. They are happy go lucky and extremely optimistic. Peacock styled personalities are often accused of talking too much, and one of their biggest weaknesses is that they aren’t good with detail and time-management.
The Dove personality individuals are people-oriented,loyal,friendly,extremely diligent and hardworking.They are great teamplayers.They tend to avoid changes,conflict or confrontation,they avoid taking risk and aren’t really overly assertive.They are possessive by nature;for them relationships come first and take precedence over everything else including tasks.Even after they have decided, they tend to take time to execute especially when relationship is at question.
The Owl influenced individuals are compliant.They can be identified as individuals who are logical,mathematical,methodical at all times and sometimes can be seen as perfectionists.The owl can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. Owls are not big risk takers but love details.
Know yours or your child’s Personality and Behaviour by doing DMIT Test.For further detials contact us on 7506608022/33