7039173101 / 7039173038

Chiropractitioner – Dr. Kaustubh Salvi

(Naturopath and Chiropractitioner)

Theory of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic theorizes that nerve and organ dysfunction is often the result of misaligned vertebrae of the spine. When the vertebral segments become injured, fixated, or malaligned, soft tissues become irritated, adjacent muscles often tighten, and nerves can be irritated and their function impaired. This is called an “intervertebral subluxation.”

This very common condition results from trauma, postural stress, congenital abnormalities, disc degeneration, and the toxic effects of infection. Simple daily living puts everyone at risk for this quite common condition.

Chiropractors use spinal assessment and adjustment to reduce the subluxation, and thus alleviate irritation of the nerves. Because the spine is such a complex structure, adjustments often involve multiple levels of the spine and even the extremities. The goal is balance and normalcy, and the cause of the stress may lie at a distance from any point of discomfort.

Chiropractic employs manipulation and adjustment of body structures, such as the spinal column, so that pressure on nerves coming from the spinal cord due to displacement (subluxation) of a vertebral body may be relieved. Chiropractic treatment appears to be effective for musclespasms of the back and neck, tension headaches, and some sorts of legpain. It may or may not be useful for other ailments.

Not all chiropractors are alike in their practice. The International Chiropractors Association believes that patients should be treated by spinal manipulation alone while the Chiropractors Association advocate’s a multidisciplinary approach that combines spinal adjustment with other modalities such as yoga therapy, psychological counseling, Nature-cure treatments and Dietary corrections.

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