Dec 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
While we spend much time ‘making up’ our faces to ensure our appearance is beautiful for others, we forget to make up our minds. This is not about making decisions. Making up our mind means ensuring that our thoughts are positive and our feelings...
Dec 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Is simply saying ‘sorry’ enough? To make your apology sincere and authentic: Make a commitment to change yourself and resolve the issue for the future; Have a determined thought, ‘I am not going to do this again’. True Independence...
Nov 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
We all know the old adage – what you give out you get back, or what goes around comes around. But we forget this cast iron law which is found everywhere in the universe. The energy of life is constantly moving at physical, mental and spiritual levels. And...
Jul 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
A common saying in the Tamil language warns that the tree that bears fruit will be stoned. Sadhguru responds, only when someone sees the value of the fruit and longs to taste its sweetness, will they take the effort to throw a stone. Article Mar 6, 2017 Q: There is a...
Jun 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
Take life as it is, full of drama and adventure. Experience the fun and the excitement, if not, it’ll turn into melodrama! So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, add the ingredient of humour and go from feeling heavy to being light. Lighten up and...
Jun 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
A person with the quality of mercy works on such a subtle level that the support given never demeans or implies weakness in the other person. Smile You never have to be miserable because of someone else’s bad attitude. Your own attitude is yours to control, and...