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A thyroid imbalance can cause weight problems, chronic fatigue, feelings of being overwhelmed, anxiety, emotional imbalances, hair loss, skin problems, depression or any combination of these symptoms. The thyroid gland, located at the base of the throat, works on a physiological level to balance the rate of your metabolism. Thyroid acupressure points enable healing energy (known as Qi, Prana or Chi) to move through the thyroid restoring its homeostatic (balancing) mechanisms. Opening the energy flow through the thyroid gland can balance both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid conditions since this flow governs homeostasis. However, it takes constant practice to maintain this equilibrium.

Stimulate the thyroid acupressure points daily on your neck, base of your throat, and chest as instructed below. The most healing thyroid points are localized near your thyroid gland and are called the Windows of the Sky.  It’s also staring wheel of a car.  These points are stimulated effectively in the following exercise called the Neck Press. For best results, you need to do this exercise 3 to 5 times daily for a few months.


Neck Press – Head forward with elbows close

Neck Press: Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and your hands interlaced behind your neck, letting your head hang forward to gently stretch your neck muscles. Bring your elbows close together in front of you, pointing downward, compressing the sides of your neck with the heels of your hands. Inhale deeply, raising your head as you gently stretch your elbows out to the sides, while letting your head tilt back. Exhale as you head relaxes forward and your elbows come close together in front of you again. Repeat this breathing exercise for two minutes; then continue with the use of K 27.


Neck Press – Head up with elbows apart

Hold K 27, the acupressure points on both sides of the sternum. With your eyes still closed, take long, slow deep breaths as you slowly let your head turn from side to side. Feel your entire neck region relax as you continue to breathe deeply, while holding these points. Gently let your head tilt upward as you inhale and downward as you exhale, while you use your mind to visualize more blood flowing through your thyroid gland at the base of your throat. With your hands in your lap, take another minute or two to let yourself completely relax. If you have a few more minutes, this would be a great time to sit up with a straight spine and mediate.

Chanting “HUM”

Chant the word “HUM” which sounds like “Hang” for 21 rounds 3 times a day. First inhale deeply and slowly and while exhaling chant the word “Hang” with your mouth closed. Do it with complete awareness, feel the vibration and sound

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